I will be taking a short break from sharing outfits, but will return once I get settled in to my new apartment. I had a little breathing room at the beginning of the week, so it gave me the opportunity to share a few outfits. I will still hop on to support everyone's outfits, but it will be a week or a little over a week until I share another outfit. I thank you all for dropping in; it's well appreciated : )
As for this outfit, I just realized that I have never shared a picture wearing this cardigan. I have took pictures wearing it in the past, but was not fond of the picture taken, so that was a setback on sharing it. I really love this color mixture which is a charcoal/brown, and tiffany blue combination outfit.
Fingers in the water – Color Crazy Challenge https://virily.com/challenges/fingers-water-color-crazy-challenge/
Brotherhood – Color Crazy Challenge https://virily.com/challenges/brotherhood-color-crazy-challenge/
Unfortunately we live in a world where bad apples still exist https://virily.com/culture/unfortunately-live-world-bad-apples-still-exist/
Katia Sculpture- 365 Photos Challenge #2 https://virily.com/challenges/katia-sculpture-365-photos-challenge-2/
40% off of Hylete fitness apparel - https://share.hylete.com/x/LyYFgg
Get paid to share articles, fashion, polls, pictures, etc - https://virily.com/?mref=1065
Photos by me - https://www.yelp.com/user_local_photos?userid=qdY_Tk-SzYUQk8S2-7nMAw
Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. -Pauline R. Kezer