I'm very excited because last night I just entered the lottery for New York City Marathon. I will hear back from them by the time of my 36th birthday if I got in or not. This will actually be my second trip to New York, but first time running the marathon there. New York City Marathon has always had my interest because it takes you on a tour of the five boroughs of New York, and it's the next best thing to Chicago Marathon. I will keep you guys updated on it next month once the drawing ends.
This jacket was a purchase at a thrift store named 'Green Element Resale'. The awesome thing about this purchase is that it has the tag still attached, which it's priced $49.99, but lucky me, I got it for only $10! I wanted to share a plain picture of me wearing this item, but definitely expect to see it in future pictures : )
Thrift confession https://virily.com/lifestyle/thrift-confession-2/?mref=1065
Winter RUNderland https://virily.com/lifestyle/winter-runderland/?mref=1065
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