Hola, all! Spring semester starts this week! I just realized that my advisor enrolled me in an Sociology class this semester. I'm actually excited about that because it's a course that I have wanted for a while, and it actually benefits me in the career path that I'm headed.
As for my apartment search I'm still in the search, and will most likely end my day with at least two new searches to view this week or next.
I have worn this look a few times, but both items are worn regularly and paired rarely. The red button-down flannel gingham plaid shirt is by Gap; and the tiffany blue strauss & co jeans are by Levis brand.
Semifinals for WWE United States Championship Tournament https://virily.com/virily_poll/semifinals-wwe-united-states-championship-tournament/?mref=1065
Paige’s WWE in-ring career is over https://virily.com/entertainment/paiges-wwe-ring-career/?mref=1065
First run of the year https://virily.com/sport/first-run-year/?mref=1065
Thrift confession https://virily.com/home-decor/thrift-confession/?mref=1065
My therapeutic escape https://virily.com/lifestyle/my-therapeutic-escape/?mref=1065
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