Hola, viewers! Happy Birthday to me! I'm currently in the process of moving, so I have been slow to post outfits, but expect to see updates soon as I get settled in. Today is my birthday, and yes I have many things that I would like to do, such as celebrate at Sun Wah BBQ; see the movie Black Panther, and get some type of workout in of course because mentally my apartment search interfered with that, but I will get back in to my groove. Feels good to make it to see 36 years : )
Unfortunately we live in a world where bad apples still exist https://virily.com/culture/unfortunately-live-world-bad-apples-still-exist/
Cranberry Orange Scone – 365 Photos Challenge #1 https://virily.com/challenges/cranberry-orange-scone-365-photos-challenge-1/
Revisiting my childhood dream https://virily.com/entertainment/revisiting-childhood-dream/
Entered lottery for TCS NYC Marathon https://virily.com/sport/entered-lottery-tcs-nyc-marathon/
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