It feels so great to be able to get a run in today; the weather is great. I could of actually ran in shorts, and without this undershirt. My run distance was a little over two miles, and the location ended up being at Skokie Northshore Sculpture Park, which has a total of 60 + sculptures staged along the trail. Luckily, I made it back in time before the rain started coming down. I wanted to share a few pictures of the sculptures, but only got one because of the rain picking up.
Run confession https://virily.com/lifestyle/run-confession/
That day that I was almost chicked! https://virily.com/sport/day-almost-chicked/
Five ways to get in to running, and stay into it https://virily.com/beauty-health/five-ways-get-running-stay/
A 26.2 mile journey filled with mind games https://virily.com/challenges/26-2-mile-journey-filled-mind-games/
Fingers in the water – Color Crazy Challenge https://virily.com/challenges/fingers-water-color-crazy-challenge/
40% off of Hylete fitness apparel - https://share.hylete.com/x/LyYFgg
Get paid to share articles, fashion, polls, pictures, etc - https://virily.com/?mref=1065
Photos by me - https://www.yelp.com/user_local_photos?userid=qdY_Tk-SzYUQk8S2-7nMAw
I succeed on my own personal motivation, dedication, and commitment. My mindset is: If I'm not out there training, someone else is. - Lynn Jennings